Sunday, August 7, 2011
Sleeping Crazy...
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Crazy nasty rest rooms...
In my opinion, if a restaurant's restroom is filthy than surely the kitchen follows and chances are employees do not wash their hands. I mean seriously, if they haven't had the time or initiative to clean up this very public and much used room what can I expect behind the scenes?
While I realize there are times when restaurants become overwhelmed by a sudden surge of customers, unexpected large parties or a shortage of employees it is never acceptable to ignore restroom cleanliness. Yet many do. This always boggles my mind. With so many communicable diseases why would any place of business risk spreading this to it's customers? Not to mention grossing some out to the point of killing an appetite!
Take last night for instance, friends, hubby and I decided on dinner at a much frequented and very busy Miami Beach hot spot on Lincoln Road . A place where hundreds eat daily and one visited by us a couple of times before. This time however, would be my last. Not that I hadn't noticed their lack of hygiene on previous visits. I was just hoping it was a cause and effect thing. However, it turns out getting though my meal without vomiting would be part of this evening. Especially since, getting up and leaving was not an option!
My first clue came in the form of the over all smell of the restaurant. It smelled like a giant garbage can! Another came as I passed the kitchen tucked away next to the restroom. The mess from the door seemed a sure sign that attention to proper food preparation was not happening. For my sake, I tried really hard not to look but it was impossible not to wonder what it must be like in there. It almost made me afraid to go to the restroom. And sure to almost confirm my worst fear...and my theory...
The restroom did NOT help. It was the most disgusting, foul smelling, nasty pee pee room ever. And I do mean pee pee! It and the smell of it everywhere but mixed in with the smell of trash. Used toilet paper all over the floor, no soap in the dispenser. It looked like a war zone. Truly a big nasty mess and definitely a topic of conversation at our table.
So you say? You've seen that before. So have I. Only when it's the standard, I refuse to be fed.
In this instance, the more I looked around, the more uneasy I became about eating here. The odor of garbage crawling up and staying in my nose did nothing to help. Then there were the counters that looked liked they haven't been properly wiped down in weeks. And things that were being wiped down were being done so with the same rag over and over again. Floors so greasy, women in heels had to hang on to make it across the room. The floors were unswepted, napkins, straws, crumbs and much more scattered around. It really made me wonder if anyone ever inspects this place. How was I suppose to eat my food?
So what you say? Big deal. Look, call me nuts if you like or maybe I'm just germ-a-phobic, but I'm willing to bet bugs are regulars after dark in places like this. And while it is true that many restaurants might be just as dirty and bug ridden, they don't flaunt it. Imagine is everything when I go out to dine! Restaurants should keep in mind there are many of my kind.
Personally, I prefer a restaurant with clean bathrooms, the aroma of food in the air and a kitchen I can see. How about you?
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Security Camera Madness!!!!!!
SAY WHAT???? Yes! Yes! Yes! LOOK UP the next time you decide to use their dressing room!
See the camera?? Yup...if you can see it....then surely they can see you. FOOD for THOUGHT eh? From just about any (if not all) of their dressing rooms the security cameras are placed in areas where the dressing room is visible to them.
My most recent visit to them not only quickly reminded me about how unacceptable that is but also about how many women have probably never noticed. And most importantly, it made me wonder HOW can this MADNESS be?????? How can they get away with this??
But wait it gets better!! Seems either they can get away with it or no one is complaining. Otherwise why would this continue so blatantly?? Anyone?
Makes me wonder what goes on at those security meetings I am sure they must be having. Is the joke on us?? So please, please be advised Ladies...someone may be watching you as you innocently try on your purchases.
Now that I've ranted and raged, all I have to say is SHAME on DOTS! Shame on KOHL'S!!! My next move??? Calling Corporate...cause this isn't your average security system!
Stay tuned for an update on an issue that is making absolutely cookoo!!!
And by the way....isn't this illegal???
Monday, December 20, 2010
Tis the go mad....
Don't they know it's only December 20th and that not only has Christmas NOT ARRIVED, but people are stressed to the max, tapped out to infinity and beyond a budget to remind us there will soon be more money to spend???
And so it goes....HO! HO! HO! Tis the season to go mad...
Mega Crazzzzzzzzzyyyyy
I know this because no matter which Marshall's I visit, no matter the location, there always seems to be a shortage of the very essential and NECESSARY shopping cart. However and amazingly enough lots of the carts are usually taken by the store employees for stocking or restocking merchandise and they aren't always willing to put the customer first and hand them over as my tale will tell...
Now I could on and continue my tale of craziness and bore you with more details or I can just end it here by simply adding that yes, I did complain and yes, she was reprimanded..but it really doesn't matter because if you shop Marshall's like I do then you already know that the madness continues as they still have a MEGA problem with shopping carts...
Monday, December 13, 2010
I've decided to share my madness...
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Bizzare Tale of the Crushed Dog...
"The Bizzare Tale of the Crushed Dog..."
Awaking to ugly and ominous skies this morning one could see the day was not exactly going to bring about sunshine any time soon...but the tales it spun were also unreal..
Reports from all around town and the effects of the storm were almost hurricane like! The damage to trees and property were pretty surprising...but none as bizzare as what I am about to tell...
High above the ground on the balconcies of one of Miami's many spectacular high rise condominuims, the wind was causing all kinds of havoc. Plants and furniture were being tossed around like paper. Way down below on the surface of the earth was a man walking his dog. Out for what one must imagine was their everyday routine only this day it would be anything but...
Unexpectedly and with no son sees a patio table being lifted up by the wind from one of the balconies way up top and ejected over the balcony...he watched as it swiftly fell to the earth...he watched as it landed...RIGHT ON TOP OF THE DOG! Splat...blood's owner devastated....poor dog....
Bizzare, very bizzare if you ask me....but also very, very lucky for the dog's owner! It could have just as easily been him....
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Halloween foods that are as much treat as they are trick...
"Sewer Rat Delight" (this recipe and idea are all mine!!) These bone shaped, bite size treat were made with my usual meatloaf recipe and cut out with a cookie cutter, served up on a this cute platter and garnished with a gummy rat. These can be made a day ahead and reheated the day of your party.
"Aged Intestines" served up in this rubber corpse along with a gummy snake was the hit of the party! The sausages looked gory enough but were fantastic to eat if you dared!
My twist on cheesecake!! Goblin Hearts and Yummy Mummy Brains are easy to make and great to taste. The cheesecakes have been garnished with frozen cherries, strawberries, strawberry jam and gummy spiders. These can also be made and frozen up to 5 days ahead!!
Finally, while I served up a lot of other creepy, gross foods at my bash, these witches fingers are always the talk of the party and have come to be one of the foods my guests always ask about. My recipe is just one of a million out there for this treat but over time I have learned to tweak the cookie enough to make it my own!
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Truth be told...
And so....I've got cheesecake brains and hearts. I've got cookies that look like bloody witches fingers, decadent chocolate coffins and a kitty litter cake served up with a scoop if you've got the stomach to try this tasty treat!!
I've made a shrimp mold, a spinich dip monster hand and a cheese dip made into eyeballs that will have my guests staring them down and then some!! You'd think I was done by now but nope, there's more to cook up! I love to shock and thrill my family and friends while treating them all to deviliciously fun foods. So I'll cook and bake some more all in the name of a delightful and memorable time.
And so with my bash near and almost out of time even though my mind is racing with more ideas than I can execute, its time to get some rest!
Finally, I'll be taking pictures of all these goodies as soon as they have been proped and served up! In the meantime, here is a picture of my "Pumpkin gone Ugly" .... apparently decorating cakes is not my thing...
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Dinner is served. Please be seated....
Dinner for 4.
Begin my placing blood stained burlap fabric on table. Set table as creepy as you like for your headless dinner guests!
Spiders Alive!
Weave a web and add an oversized spider to any area in your home. Embellished with bats, lights and creepy music for hairy surprise!
I see you...
These eyes light up and have a mind of their own as they tell it as they see it!
Halloween Hello
Greet your guests with this very simple set up at any front door or place in any other appropriate area. The scary face in the mirror asks people to come in closer for a better look at them...until he nearly SCREAMS them to death!
Coming up next.......
Pictures of some realllllllll nasty looking but veryyyyy yummy tasting foods for the party...
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
I love Halloween...can't you tell?

Saturday, September 13, 2008
CraZy is as CraZy does...

Thursday, August 28, 2008
I know it's's only August...

Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Life is crazy...
And now??? Holy cow! This boy is now a man and he is a large man! I never, ever imagined it. Actually, I never gave it any thought. At 19, he is 6' and 220 lbs or so! Crazzzzzzzzyyyyyyyyy. Some days I think it's the extra attention he got as a baby. All the extra nurioushment it took to insure his survival. My goodness, what madness in those days! How very litte he was. How much he needed. Then my brain says..."Pssstttt, hey! Remember? MOST of the men on my side are tall, tall, tall! Dad's not exactly short either and I go DUHHHHHHHH!! But still, how did he get SOOOOO big, so quick????
Going back to my chores, I am still and always amazed at life.....and so....back to doing his laundry I go....
As my mind continues to ramble...........
Monday, August 18, 2008
Tracking Fay Crazies

Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Summer time is driving me bonkers already!!!!

Friday, July 25, 2008
Marriage is not an easy thing....

Thursday, July 24, 2008
Another nail salon, another nightmare...

Thursday, July 10, 2008
Surely there has to be as many kinds of "breakfasts" as there are cultures and countries. Isn't there? Where are they? Who is eating what? An inquiring mind wants to know....please, help quiet my brain...thank you.
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
To egg or not to egg....

Now I'd like to know who eats what for breakfast. Be part of my survey. I love to be educated and pass it along! I am curious to know what else is out there for breakfast and what culture it comes from. What do you eat first thing in the morning? Please feel free to comment!