IF I've said it once... I'll say it again...
"Women marry in love and men in lust and with the years, women fall out of lust and men fall in love and it takes a strong bond, true respect for each other and a sense of humor to make it through til death do us part."

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It's true,marriage is not an easy thing.......
Very nice blog and very good advice. I will ad you as a friend as well. Thanks for visiting and leaving your mark behind.
I like this site as well! Good job! I will be back!
Nice quote, but I donot remember the lust when I got married. Hmmm maybe that why we are not still together.
Funny...if not for lust and not for money? What for?
It's a nice quote, and true. I agree that it needs true respect and sense of humor to make the relationship works.
I love that quote....!!
(And thanks for dropping me a line on MyBlogLog, btw)
Would you be willing to share it on one of my quote sites?
My comments are nofollow, but we could make you a guest blogger, if you like ;p)
Take care,
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