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Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Bizzare Tale of the Crushed Dog...

Tuesday, June 23rd, told and seen by one my son's...

"The Bizzare Tale of the Crushed Dog..."

Awaking to ugly and ominous skies this morning one could see the day was not exactly going to bring about sunshine any time soon...but the tales it spun were also unreal..

Reports from all around town and the effects of the storm were almost hurricane like! The damage to trees and property were pretty surprising...but none as bizzare as what I am about to tell...

High above the ground on the balconcies of one of Miami's many spectacular high rise condominuims, the wind was causing all kinds of havoc. Plants and furniture were being tossed around like paper. Way down below on the surface of the earth was a man walking his dog. Out for what one must imagine was their everyday routine only this day it would be anything but...

Unexpectedly and with no son sees a patio table being lifted up by the wind from one of the balconies way up top and ejected over the balcony...he watched as it swiftly fell to the earth...he watched as it landed...RIGHT ON TOP OF THE DOG! Splat...blood's owner devastated....poor dog....

Bizzare, very bizzare if you ask me....but also very, very lucky for the dog's owner! It could have just as easily been him....